JDoe's Leadership.

Ryan Soscia
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Ryan Soscia is an entrepreneur and survivor who's passionate about building technology for social good. As the Founder & CEO of JDoe, a leading anonymous reporting and information escrow platform empowering hundreds of thousands globally, he stands at the forefront of innovation. Ryan's expertise in scaling tech ventures spans a decade, during which he has successfully raised $35M across various projects. Noteworthy collaborations include prestigious organizations such as the United Nations, MGM Resorts International, NYU Langone, Quinn Emanuel, and more. Ryan attended Sidwell Friends School and studied computer science at the University of California, San Diego. He is also recognized as a distinguished Halcyon Fellow and a member of the Vital Voices' Solidarity Council.
Brenda Tracy
Public Relations and Communications
Brenda Tracy is JDoe's Public Relations and Communications Director. She is a rape survivor and prominent citizen lobbyist with over 500,000 supporters on Change.org for initiatives relating to sexual violence. She currently serves on the NCAA's Commission to Combat Campus Sexual Violence and recently launched the "Set the Expectation" campaign to combat sexual violence on college campuses.
Chris Dock
Head Engineer
Chris Dock is JDoe's Head Engineer. Prior to joining JDoe in 2017, Chris earned a Bachelor's in both Physics and Mathematics with honors from University of California, Berkeley. Chris is currently pursuing a Doctorate degree in Applied Math and Statistics at the University of Maryland. Chris recently published a paper in European Physical Letters on Chaos Theory.
Ben Stevens
Sr. Full-Stack Engineer
Ben is JDoe’s Senior Full-Stack Engineer. Prior to joining JDoe in 2018, Ben earned his Bachelor’s in Computer Science from Cornell University and worked at Fountain (formerly OnboardIQ). Ben is pursuing his Masters of Professional Studies in Information Science at Cornell University. Ben has deep knowledge and expertise building scalable technologies for diverse communities.
Zane Liu
Head Designer
Zane Liu is JDoe's Head Designer. Zane holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. With a focus on sustainable and human-centered design, Zane is pursuing a Master of Science in Transportation Systems and Design at ArtCenter School of Design. Previously, Zane worked as an advanced battery modeling researcher at the Energy, Controls, and Applications Lab.

JDoe's Advocates.

Tim Mousseau
Speaker, Writer, Storyteller
Tim is a JDoe Advocate. Using powerful stories grounded in personal experiences, Tim Mousseau uses his passion and vulnerability to guide conversations that will leave students inspired to combat sexual violence, redefine masculinity, and provoke change. In the past few years Tim has spoken with hundreds of thousands of college students, first responders, and professionals at over 250 programs across the country.
Chessy Prout
Ambassador, Author, Founder
Chessy is a JDoe Advocate. In August 2016 Chessy Prout launched the #IHaveTheRightTo initiative with the organization PAVE, for which she is an ambassador. She travels around the country to speak about the importance of consent education in K-12 schools; encourages survivors and others to assert their most important, basic rights; and uses her voice to let other survivors know that they are not alone.
Maggie Gehlsen
Ambassador, Founder, Speaker
Maggie is a JDoe Advocate. Maggie Gehlsen has worked closely with several nonprofits to promote awareness for sexual assault education and prevention. Currently, she works with RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network) as a part of their Speakers Bureau, Family Resources, and EROC (End Rape On Campus).
Cody McDavis
White House Champion of Change, Author, Athlete
Cody is a JDoe Advocate. Cody McDavis is a member of the National Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, where he engaged with the It’s On Us campaign. He serves as the lead of the It’s On Us National Video Competition, which was created in 2014 in recognition of the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) partnership with the White House to spread awareness of sexual assault on collegiate campuses.
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