Find safety concerns

wherever they hide

Advanced safety incident reporting & streamlined case management

Foster A Speak Up Culture

Workplace Personal Safety is a big deal

Take safety incident reporting and resolution from outdated to outstanding.

Every organization is legally obligated to provide a duty of care, ensuring that employees work in an environment that is both physically and psychologically secure.

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, it has been estimated that employers pay almost $1B per week for direct workers compensation costs alone.

Furthermore, over 60 percent of chief financial officers reported that each $1 invested in injury prevention returns $2 or more.

83% of employees have experienced emergencies at work

Over 60% of employees prefer strong workplace safety policies

41% of employees have left organizations due to unsafe conditions

90% of employees are more likely to report anonymously

Increase Trust & Reporting Rates

Your Solution for Monitoring Safety Incidents

*Data shown in graphic is not live data

JDoe's mobile app includes a feature that streamlines reporting of safety incidents and health issues for employers, facilitating compliance with OSHA or HSE standards and effective monitoring of COVID-19 symptoms among teams.

The app conveniently houses links to your policy documents and training materials.

Moreover, companies can utilize JDoe to keep their employees informed about the most recent organizational policies, aiding in the maintenance and safeguarding of workplace culture.

Employees have the option to anonymously use the direct messaging feature to voice initial concerns, with the flexibility to disclose their identity at a later stage in the process.

Empower Your Employees

Ready to revolutionize reporting and resolution at your business?