Cultivating Speak Up Trust

Information Escrow


JDoe’s patent pending information escrow technology is the most advanced of its kind and is the first line of defense for organizations against misconduct.


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Discover a next generation solution for incident reporting for your team.
dHow it works
JDoe's confidential escrow system provides a clear and user-friendly way for employees to record and report organizational misconduct securely, without disclosing their identity or sharing the details internally. Reports held in escrow are securely encrypted and remain under the sole control of the individual user—not even JDoe has access. Each user has the autonomy to decide if and when to internally disclose their information.
Through the use of encryption technology, reports stored in escrow are continuously analyzed against other escrowed reports, fostering a community-wide advantage. When there is a match between reports involving the same offender, JDoe can notify users of the connection, thus enhancing awareness of repeat offenders. This anonymous reporting and information escrow system is designed to empower employees, ensuring swift identification of repeat offenders and reinforcing employee autonomy and safety.
Information Escrow Benefits.
Every Voice Matters
All reports are submitted to escrow first and are used for matchmaking, acting as a datapoint for flagging possible repeat bad actors. This is independent of whether employees decide to share internally.
Eliminate Fear of Retaliation
Empathetically designed to empower employees, giving them the confidence to report misconduct without fear of repercussions, and enabling a proactive approach to workplace safety and integrity.
Only users hold their private keys, ensuring that even in the event of a legal subpoena of our databases, their identities remain secure.
Prevent Future Misconduct
Not only enhances organizational transparency and safety by balancing privacy, security, and effective action against misconduct but also simplifies the detection of behavioral patterns, discouraging future inappropriate actions.
Our Products

Integrity Monitoring

JDoe's Integrity Monitoring products empower every member of your business ecosystem – encompassing employees, shareholders, and suppliers – to detect and prevent misconduct by leveraging a comprehensive, multi-channel strategy.

It starts here.

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